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Hormone Reactive

Hormone Reactive skin may affect us at any age. Our hormones play a large role in how much oil our skin produces. If our hormones are imbalanced, this most commonly results in inflamed and congested skin. Hormonal conditions such as PCOS, Endometriosis, Menopause, and taking the oral contraceptive pill, may all contribute to a Hormone Reactive skin. Our main aim when treating a Hormonal Reactive skin is to holistically support it to regulate and balance.

Recommended Products

1. Sodashi Clay Cleanser with Lime
2. MV Rose Hydrating Mist
3. MV Rose Skin Plus Booster
4. Living Skin Essential Moisturiser
5. TRUdermal Glow Take Home Mask

Here are a few more products we’ve chosen to help regulate and balance your skin from the inside out. 


1. Elementals Clarifi
2. Gut Co Cleanse

Lifestyle Tips for this pack

1. Avoid foods that cause congestion
Certain foods, particularly those that are highly processed, are high in trans and saturated fats which can lead to blocked pores. For those who are more genetically sensitive to blockages and breakouts, we suggest limiting your intake of inflammatory foods, which may trigger hormonal activity. Please be conscious of processed foods, refined sweets, and certain dairy products.
2. Assist the body to detoxify gently
To boost the body's natural detoxification process, you can introduce a liver loving green powder. Incorporating a nutrient rich liver supplement can help support your liver and gut with healthy digestion, immune function, and the detoxification of toxins, excess hormones, and metabolic waste.

3. Boost your essential fatty acids
An adequate intake of Omega 3 (to be precise) will help with inflammation. Ensure to include oily fish, nuts and seeds (flaxseed, chia seeds, walnuts) in your diet. Also lookout for cold-pressed organic flaxseed oil that will help replenish the skins protective layer and help soothe breakouts.