Artist Reflection by Joshua Lynch
GetInTouch Byron Bay Art Resident
Submission: Dance Performance
Artist Bio
Josh (he/him) is a proud Ngāti Te Wehi man. He is a poet, dancer, performance artist and facilitator at Small Beyond and is interested in where and through what means our inner and outer worlds meet and, ultimately, influence one another. This interest has led him on a long and windy path where he started and sustained a meditation practice, co-founded and ran Australia’s first multi-disciplinary meditation studio, has been invited to artist residencies and now co-directs and hosts Small Beyond experiences with Shannon. Josh has a professional background in systems thinking and is currently applying this knowledge to his new found passion for permaculture design. He hopes to weave together and integrate practices of meditation, dance and embodiment with understanding of land and place and the sacred relationship that connects them.
Art, to me, is as much about what I create as it is about the relationships I have in my life — to myself and those around me. This romanticised idea of the tortured, unwell, yet prolific artist is one I no longer aspire to.